Category | Label | URN | Object ID range | Description | Operations | |
oma |
0 - 1023 |
Objects Produced by OMA. Only OMA can use this range. 0-499 DM&SE Working Group 500-1023 IPSO Working Group |
Register | |
Reserved |
reserved |
n/a | 1024 - 2047 | Reserved for future use | -- | -- |
ext |
2048 - 10240 | Objects registered by 3rd party standards organisations or alliances. | Register | |
Vendors |
x |
10241 - 32768 | Objects registered by companies or individuals. | Register | |
Company Reserved |
x |
32769 - 42768 | Company bulk reservations of up to 50 Object IDs. This range is to create private LwM2M Objects that are not published on the OMNA Lightweight Object Registry. | Reserve | |
Test |
n/a |
n/a |
42769 - 42800 | Object IDs for testing purpose. These IDs MUST NOT be used in production as collisions with other Object IDs are possible. | -- | -- |
Reserved |
n/a |
n/a |
42801 - 65534 | Reserved for future use. | -- | -- |
Category | Resource ID Range | Description | Operations | |
Common Resources |
0 - 2047 | Common resource defined inside Objects. Inside of an Object the resourceIDs must be unique but it can be reused in different Objects. | -- | -- |
Reusable Resources |
2048 - 26240 |
Resources registered by companies, standards organisations or alliances. Note: ResourceID is finally allocated by OMNA Staff.
Private registrations are not allowed |
Register | |
Private Resources |
26241 - 32768 | Private resource range, no registration is necessary and open to re-use. | -- | -- |
URN: urn:oma:lwm2m:oma:ObjectID:version | range (0 - 1,023)
URN / Version | XML Name | LwM2M Editor | Object Name | Technical Specification | Description |
URN: urn:oma:lwm2m:ext:ObjectID:version | range (2,048 - 10,240)
URN / Version | XML Name |
LwM2M Editor | Object Name | Technical Specification | Owner | Description |
URN: urn:oma:lwm2m:x:ObjectID:version | ranges (10,241 - 32,768)
10241 - 32768 Range accepts registration.
26241 - 32768 Previously this range didn't need registration but since Jan 24, 2023 it does.
URN / Version | XML Name | LwM2M Editor | Object Name | Technical Specification | Company | Description - Objects Produced by Vendors |
32769 - 42768 This range is used for company bulk reservation (up to 50 ObjectIDs). This range is to create private objects that are not registered here.
To Reserve bulk objectsObject ID | Company |
range: (2048 - 26240)
Note: The value of attributes marked (*) CANNOT be changed when the Reusable Resource is defined inside of an Object.
ResourceID* | Name/Technical Spec* |
Operation* | Type* | Range/Enumeration* | Units* | Submitter | Description |